Wednesday 26 September 2012

George Harrison of " The Beatles "

George Harrison of “The Beatles”
Yesterday  I read a blog post of my  son-in-law , Sri. Ananda Subramanian  about George Harrison’s  music album “ My Sweet Lord ‘  and viewed his  live  performance  , seeking   Sweet Lord to really want to see HIM.  The link is given to view :
 In the introduction Harrison wrote for Swami Prabhupada's book Krsna, he says: "If there's a God, I want to see Him. It's pointless to believe in something without proof, and Krishna consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception. In that way you can see, hear & play with God. Perhaps this may sound weird, but God is really there next to you."
The song lyrics goes like this ;
 My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
Hm, my lord

I really want to see you
Really want to be with you
Really want to see you lord
But it takes so long, my lord

My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
Hm, my lordI really want to know you
Really want to go with you
Really want to show you lord
That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)

I really want to see you
Really want to see you
Really want to see you, lord
Really want to see you, lord
But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

My sweet lord (hallelujah)
Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My, my, my lord (hallelujah)

I really want to know you (hallelujah)
Really want to go with you (hallelujah)
Really want to show you lord (aaah)
That it won't take long, my lord (hallelujah)

Hmm (hallelujah)
My sweet lord (hallelujah)
My, my, lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hare krishna)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna)
Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)

Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)
Really want to be with you (hare rama)
Really want to see you lord (aaah)
But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

Hm, my lord (hallelujah)
My, my, my lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My lord (hare hare)
Hm, hm (Gurur Brahma)
Hm, hm (Gurur Vishnu)
Hm, hm (Gurur Devo)
Hm, hm (Maheshwara)
My sweet lord (Gurur Sakshaat)
My sweet lord (Parabrahma)
My, my, my lord (Tasmayi Shree)
My, my, my, my lord (Guruve Namah)
My sweet lord (Hare Rama)


(hare krishna)
My sweet lord (hare krishna)
My sweet lord (krishna krishna)
My lord (hare hare)
My reminiscence goes back to 1960s’ .   “The Beatles “ – a pop group formed in 1960 with a four member team of Liverpool : John Lennon , Paul McCartney , Ringo Starr and the youngest of all George Harrison build their reputation by playing initially in clubs and become the best selling band in history.
In my adolescent age , I was also affected by  Beatlemania and crazy to listen in radios and transistors , their famous albums repeatedly . To name a few  still I can sing , Let it be.., Ob-la-di Ob-la-da . All my Loving , Yellow Submarine , Help , Hey Jude , A Hard Day’s Night . I have painted the images of the Four in the wall under the staircase , my  study  den of Mylapore home in 1960s'. many won't believe that last month I bought a set of  pinup badges with the photos of Beatles and Yellow submarine album cover in Landmark !
In 1970, the team broke up but they individually produced albums.  I read an article titled  ‘Harrison and Hindhuism “ by Subhamoy Das  in which gave me more insight on the life style of George Harrison and wish to share  selected  passages through this media.

George Harrison

He and fellow Beatle John Lennon met Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the global Hare Krishna Movement, at Tittenhurst Park, England. This introduction was to Harrison "like a door opened somewhere in my subconscious, maybe from a previous life."
 Harrison once said, "Imagine all the workers on the Ford assembly line in Detroit, all of them chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna while bolting on the wheels..."
Harrison's albums The Hare Krishna Mantra, My Sweet Lord, All Things Must Pass, Living in the Material World and Chants of India were all influenced to a great extent by the Hare Krishna philosophy. His song "Awaiting on You All" is about japa-yoga. The song "Living in the Material World," which ends with the line "Got to get out of this place by the Lord Sri Krishna's grace, my salvation from the material world" was influenced by Swami Prabhupada. "That Which I Have Lost" from the album Somewhere in England is directly inspired by the Bhagavad Gita. For the 30th anniversary re-issue of his All Things Must Pass (2000), Harrison re-recorded his ode to peace, love and Hare Krishna, "My Sweet Lord," which topped the American and British charts in 1971. Here Harrison wanted to show that "Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing."
 He also said: "The living thing that goes on, always has been, always will be. I am not really George, but I happen to be in this body."
George Harrison passed away on November 29, 2001 at the age of 58. The images of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were beside his bed as he died amidst the chants and prayers. Harrison left £ 20 million for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Harrison wished that his earthly body be cremated and the ashes immersed in the Ganges, near the holy Indian city of Varanasi.
 He would have attained the abode of his ( our )  Sweet Lord as he really want to see Him ….as a true devotee.  All of us are in the que to really want to see HIM , by chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra .
George's first solo single, and incredibly, George is the first to have a number 1 as a solo Beatle.
This record is the third ever best-selling single by an ex-Beatle, selling over 5 million copies

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Circarama Film Show - Reminiscence of '60s in Madras

Circarama Film Show - Reminiscence of ‘60s in Madras

 I happened to come across  THE HINDU news paper of September 22nd,2011 and saw a news  in the page “This Day That Age “ , that is 50 years before news column , about a great film show  enjoyed by me , my brother Gopi ,my sister Vasanthi and a cousin Jamuna in Congress Grounds, Teynampet in the year 1961. It was called CIRCARAMA , a dome like theater with 11 screens around the interior of the doom covering 360 degree with 11 projectors running the film and you can  watch by standing in the center, a train moving from the screen opposite to us  cross over our head to the back side screen. Other way also  we have seen a motor car speeding in a road from one screen to the 11th screen passing through all the screens continuously. I was 9 years old and the show was something new and wonderful to admire. I remember of my repeated trips to that show with my uncle ( Raghu Periappa ). The entry fare may be 4 annas , if I am correct but not sure.

The present generation would not have heard the word – Circarama. The wiz kids of today are familar with 360 degree panorama view of any place in the world  with the use of internet.

For the old timer’s sake I reproduce the news as well as few photos , to  recall their visit to Circarama in Madras or in other cities , Bombay, Bangalore, New Delhi and Calcutta.



The Hindu September 22,2011

This Day That age ( 50 years before )

September 22 , 1961

Circarama film show

Circarama, a unique entertainment experience, was shown in Calcutta to Pressmen on September 21 under the auspices of the USIS. The Circarama actually is 11 movie cameras mounted together and operating as a single unit but with their lenses pointed outward from a central point. Thus the cameras ‘see' in all directions. The film is projected on 11 screens by 11 projectors electrically linked and synchronised. The screens each 10 feet by 13 feet, are mounted inside the upper part of a large cylinder 48 feet in diameter which is the Circarama theatre. The audience stands in the centre of the cylinder surrounded by the screen. And as they watch the motion picture on all sides, viewers have the illusion that they are in the very centre of the film's activity. Through the ‘magic' of the Circarama, the audience is taken on a tour of the U.S. from the east to the west coast of the country. After being exhibited in Calcutta for a few weeks, it will be shown in Bombay, Madras, Bangalore and New Delhi.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Leadership skills and Jambavan : King of Bears

Leadership skills and Jambavan : King of Bears
Few weeks before my brother-in-law , Sri.M.Chandrarasekharan , asked me for more information on Jambavan , King of Bears , an important  character in the great epic Ramayana. He said that Jambavan is not talked much anywhere  .  So my inquisitiveness to know about Jambavan , as I also know very little about him , made me to look for Jambavan  in the web search engines.  I got many but struck with one article by Mr.Emmanuel  Torres.  In that  article he linked Jambavan with great leadership skills , which  inspired me  much.
In management classes we too would have read much about Leadership skills ,qualities and traits. I wish to share 10 characteristics of Leadership Skills  here and after that the reproduction of the article of Mr.Emmanauel Torres  . If you read this blog you will agree with  my claim as well as Mr.Torres’s that Jambavan had the superior leadership skills , and how he made Hanuman aware of his abilities and gathered the confidence to jump toward Lanka and back with the good news.
There were many thousand articles and books have been published describing what it takes to be a superior organizational leader. Some claim a superior leader possesses certain traits or abilities , others say it’s all personality. Successful  leaders share the following characteristics:
1.Mission : Leaders know what their mission is.
2.Vision : Where do you want your organization to go ?
3.Goal : How is the organization is going to achieve its mission and vision and how will you measure your progress?
4. Competency : You must be seen by people around you as being an expert in your field or an expert in leadership.
5. A strong Team : A wise leader assembles effective teams of capable individuals.
6. Communication skills : The best way to ensure other people receive and understand the message is with face-to-face interactions.
7. Interpersonal skills : Successful entrepreneurs are comfortable to other people.
8. A “ Can do , get it done “ attitude : A leader must demonstrate  his skills and show that he has a clear view and attainable goals.
9.Inspiration : A leader need to be a person looked upon for direction , guidance and motivation.
10. Ambition : When the boss  is seen as someone who works to attain increasingly higher goals , employee will be impressed more willing to mirror that behavior. 

The Story  goes like this …..Jambavan : King of Bears  ( Courtesy : Mr.Emmanuael Torres )
Sugriva, when he looked at the upcoming events in helping Rama find Sita, knew
that he would need all the help he could get…….
Sugriva sent a messenger to request Jambavan’s aid.  Jambavan was known for his
excellent leadership skills. 
Once the word was out, Jambavan quickly responded as he was always willing to
help someone in need.  He gathered his troops of bears and addressed them about
the  conflict….
 “I call upon all the bears under my rule to lend a helping hand.  Rama needs
our help to find his wife Sita.  She was abducted by Ravana the king of the
rakshasas.  Who will come and help me?” Jambavan questioned.
The bears were very loyal to Jambavan and not even one refused the challenge. 
  “I do have to warn you that this journey could lead to a bloody battle and I
do not guarantee that your life will not be in danger…..”
So they made their way to Sugriva’s kingdom to meet the monkeys.  There, they
assembled their armies and were twice as strong.
As they made their way, Hanuman gave Jambavan further details about Sita’s
abduction.  They were overheard by Sampati who is Jatayu’s brother.  Sampati
told the monkeys and the bears that he saw Ravana fly with Sita to Lanka.  They,
then took him aside and respectfully told Sampati about Jatayu's great bravery
against Ravana.  Simpati was very sad to hear about his brother’s death, but
also very proud at the same time.
So they continued their journey toward Lanka.  They then approached the ocean
and everyone lost hope.  It would be a 100 league jump to Lanka.  Then Jambavan
stepped up and looked toward Hanuman.
“You’re a strong young monkey and you have many abilities that have not even
been tapped.  I have faith that you can make the jump to Lanka and bring news
about Sita,” explained Jambavan.
It was Jambavan who made Hanuman aware of his abilities.  Thanks to Jambavan,
Hanuman gathered the confidence to jump toward Lanka and bring the news back.
Hanuman successfully retured with good news and they then traveled toward
Kishkindha to tell Rama.
Rama was glad to know Sita was alive and Rama, the monkeys, and the bears headed
for battle against Ravana, where Jambavan showed how aggressive he was.  He
showed his leadership with his immense strength.  He was ruthless against the
demons.  He showed no mercy when he tore the demons to pieces. 
After a successful battle, it was Jambavan and Hanuman who remained on earth to
tell Rama’s story…..
After a reading  about  Jambavan’s   skills and action now we shall compare again his leadership skills with the modern management thoughts briefed above . Yes, Jambavan , the King of Bears had the greatest leadership skills and  become an example for management gurus who teaches
‘ Leadership skills ‘.

Monday 3 September 2012

Annanagar Aaravadhu Theru !

Annanagar Aaravadhu Theru !
( Annanagar 6th Main road )
Annanagar Muthal Theru , a Tamil movie of 1987, starred by Sathyaraj and Ambika , may be known to Tamil film viewers . But Annanagar Aaravadhu Theru may not be familiar to all except for the people who lived long years there and loved that place .
Last week I had been to Dr.Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre in Annanagar 2nd Avenue for regular check up. Normally after taking blood and urine samples in fasting stage , I have to wait for 1 ½ hour for the next sample after food .

 So to pass the time I came out  and visited nearest temple of  Lord Iyappa Swamy at the junction of Annanagar 6th Main Road and 2nd Avenue. 
That day  is special  for Hindus and in particular for Malayalees  as it was Onam festival day.  So after darshan   of the deity and spending brief time in the temple by chanting Hare Krishna , I moved out to visit the nearby famous Annanagar tower after long years.
Many residents of Annanagar  must be familiar of the tower and the tower park. But for me that land mark is known since 1969. When I was doing Pre-University Course ( PUC ) , the entire Annanagar area, there was a big Indian International Trade Fair , with lot of foreign country’s pavilions  went for more than a month. The Tower was constructed in the fairgrounds as a landmark building and named after Dr.M.Visvesvarayya , who was  a notable Indian engineer, scholar, statesman and the Diwan of Mysore during 1912 to 1918. He was a recipient of the Indian Republic's highest honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 1955. He was knighted as a Commander of the British Indian Empire by King George V for his myriad contributions to the public good. Every year, 15 September is celebrated as Engineer's Day in India in his memory.
Of course after the Exhibition, Tamil Nadu Housing Board  made a large scale layout of the entire plot and a township  has come with few buildings in the starting. Roundtana  is a junction and the arch entrance of the trade fair  with a mascot is still intact.
Coming to Annanagar Aaravadhu Theru, I have some affinity to that street since my sister and brother-in-law moved to an individual newly constructed  house  belongs to  Ranipet Thatha within few years after marriage. So myself , my brother Gopi and  a close friend of ours ,Suresh, an Architect student at that time used to frequent that house , as Suresh  contributed for the  facelift and many changes to the house from the basement level.
From that day the house in V Block has seen generations of Ranipet Thatha , Sri.N.R.M.Swamy. Sekar mama family lived there for years and  Mohan mama family and Sampath mama family continue to live there. The elders and kids born and brought up there cannot forget the tower park .
But to my surprise , today , the tower park gives a great look with clean and tidy  and the  landscape architecture  is marvelous .
I walked through the neatly paved path ways with concrete blocks, in the short break . There are many locations separately  in the park for elders , kids , a small pond , an amphi theater , roller coast surface , badminton court , ponds and  a  long fountain front  leading to the main entrance from the tower.  

The back entrance in the 6th Main road is beautifully designed with stainless steel revolving gates and steps . There is a walker’s association it seems. I was amazed to look at the tower park and wish to share few photos for the distance readers who once enjoyed their childhood days in that park. I remember , once I carried my nephew when he was 3 years old from the base to the top of the tower to excite him with the panoramic view of the new town , Annanagar !

Though Annanagar is now filled with concrete buildings , still there are avenues in some areas  giving oxygen to us. Shanti colony of present day is totally  different from the colony of 1970s’.

I was a native of Mylapore and spent half of my life there with kin and kin. But time has changed my domicile to Mogappair , a  friendly neighborhood of Annanagar. The stretch of 2nd Avenue and Shanthi Colony has become  “Shopping Street “.
 I too love Annanagar and the  fond remembrance  of my time in 6th Main Road house, when I was doing my part time M.Sc  in Pachaiyappa’s college and my company was Poyyamozhi ( Arivu Akka’s brother ), who was also doing his PUC  as a day scholar and Sampath mama , an officer in IOB , Mount Road. I could recall my old neighbor families adjacent to our V block Akka’s place . Sekar , chitra , Manikkam and Maragatham of Chettiar family and  next to their house ,another kid Meena and Gopi’s family. All of them were  too young and very fond of me . I miss the the families for many years. Wish to visit once to renew my friendship to the grown up kids !
We celebrate Chennai’s 373rd birthday , but we can celebrate the birthday of Annanagar also , probably 40 and odd  years old! Enjoy living in Madras , now called as Chennai.