Wednesday 16 October 2013

Why do people talk behind your back ?

Why do people  talk  behind your back  ?
How to deal with people talking about you behind your back?
How you would know ?
How do you respond to people who talk behind your back ?
There are many more questions comes to our mind on “ talking behind “
To the best of my knowledge I do not talk behind others, but see many others talk behind people for the reasons not known to me. I made a search first inwardly and I could not get an answer except that it is some people’s attitude , behavior , habit , nature and so on like generalized remarks.
It happens to us mostly  from  close relatives and friends !
May be the psychological experts give an answer without prejudice . I wish to explore on this topic and share so that the readers may correct themselves  and I too, if the weakness is within me unknowingly!
 Courtesy : An article from 2know myself ( website ) by Mr. M.Farouk Radwan, MSc , gives a reasonable explanation on the title .

Why do people talk about others?
Why do people talk about others in their absence?
Why would a person talk about his close friend in a bad way as soon as he leaves?
Why would a person talk about the bad way his friend is treating him in front of everyone but his friend?

After studying psychology for years I came to realize that 10 different people could be doing the same exact behavior for 10 different reasons.

We can never make conclusions about someone's intentions before we get to know more about his personality for it will be the reference we are going to use to interpret his behavior.
In this article i will tell you about the reasons people talk about others and tell you how to understand those people even more.
Reasons people talk about others
Don't make the mistake of judging a person without knowing more about his beliefs, values and past experiences. If you know the person well then most likely you will be able to pick up the correct reason that is motivating him to talk about others from the ones below:
  • 1) Jealousy: People talk about others when they feel jealous. A person who feels jealous will try to put the one he is talking about down so that he feels good about himself. If the person has really bad intentions then he will talk about the person he is jealous of in a bad way that makes others hate him
  • 2) Inferiority: People talk about others in a bad way in their absence in order to appear better than them. If a person feels inferior to someone then he might talk about him in a bad way in order to appear superior to him in front of others
  • 3) Lack of courage: Some people hate to confront others directly and as a result they prefer to talk about them in their absence after they do something bad to them rather then face them directly. If a person talks in a bad way about someone all the time because he did something bad to him then know that he lacks courage.
  • 4) He Likes the person he is talking about: One of the signs that shows that a person is interested in someone else is talking about him a lot. In such a case the talk will be positive or at least his mood will be positive while talking about that person even if he was saying negative things.
  • 5) Weakness: People talk about others in a bad way in their absence when they believe that they can't get their rights back from them. If a large muscular person punched you in the face then you kept talking about him in his absence then know that you are doing so because you believe that you can't knock him down and that you are trying to release this energy of revenge by talking about him
Talking about others is a sign of weakness

As you can see in most cases people who talk about others are the ones who are in the weak position.
Gossiping or talking about others in a bad way in their absence is most cases a sign that shows that you have a certain personal flaw.
If you found yourself gossiping then you must find out the reason behind it and then work on fixing the personal flaw that resulted in this bad habit.
On the other hand if you knew that someone was talking about you in your absence then just send him this article. “
If still people continues to do so even after knowing the reasons , we have to avoid them permanently !
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