Tuesday 20 August 2019

Satyagraha Lifestyle for the Youth of Today A perspective of yesteryear youth

Satyagraha Lifestyle for the Youth of Today
A perspective of yesteryear youth
According to Gandhiji:  “Satyagraha is not the weapons of the weak, but the weapon of the Strong willed”.

Satyagraha literally means “hold onto the truth”.  Gandhiji coined this word for nonviolent resistance.
Truth in speech, as opposed to falsehood; What is real, as opposed to falsehood; Good as opposed to evil.
Today’s youths consider themselves as ”modern day Satyagrahi” and actively engaged in a force action against corruption of any kind; conflict and violence at all levels; harm to animals; and the destruction of environment. But they harbor hatred or even anger against their opponents. Gandhiji didn’t emphasized these actions as Satyagraha. Satyagrahi is dedicated to truth force against himsa.

We may recall Gandhiji’s stand in the first Satyagraha event in Champaran movement, hundred years ago. He was very clear that the opposition to the injustice must be anchored in a cold and confident determination to end and not by the heat of anger.

This quality is the most essential one for today’s youth, to observe Satyagraha. But it is difficult to follow because of today’s social media. Present day social media promotes aggressive expression of anger, resentment and hatred is celebrated. If any small flash news sparks in social media, created by anonymous person, on social issues, without verifying the authenticity, youths assemble in flash mob, to express their opposition. It creates law and order problems and affects common people to the extreme level. Because of their mass action, they never think to resolve the conflict, even if the news is of genuine nature, very rarely! They behave simultaneously in a similar way but individually and without coordination. Then where are the Gandhian values in today’s youth?
Gandhiji gave us the lessons of tolerance, nonviolence, satyagraha and of belief in one’s own faith.  Today’s youth can learn to be resolute and focus towards their “purpose’ despite all hardships. Here, the “purpose” should be for all the living beings and not one’s selfish.

Gandhiji’s vision should not be lost in religious, political and emotional fervors.  Satyagraha does not depend on the outside help, it derives all its help from within. However, if the energy of youth can receive honest and selfless motivation and direction from the experienced, then surely they have the ability to transform the lives of many people from sufferings to happiness and peace. Let us be part of changing the lifestyle of youth from their mundane lifestyle to Satyagraha Lifestyle.
To explore further, today’s youth may go through the qualifications of a Satyagrahi as defined by Gandhiji in ‘Harijan” issue dated March 23,1939.

To conclude, in Gandhiji’s own words: A Satyagrahi is nothing if not instinctively law-abiding, and it is his law-abiding nature which exacts from him implicit obedience to the highest law, that is the voice of conscience which overrides all other laws. (SW, p. 465)

Presented by : M.D.Chander, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Madras.
Date: 10th August 2019

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