Friday 25 June 2021



Chander is a History Buff!

Why I call myself a history buff?

I have a strong and special interest in Family History, My birthplace History, Pre-independence Indian History, World History and in particular World War History!  I was a poor student in the subject of history in my school days and scored lowest marks in the school final! But how the interest in history came to me is not known. I am an ardent reader of books of all subjects and collect old books from pavement second-hand book shops for my personal library! This pandemic period gave me a big opportunity to dwell into my treasure of books, and I started to give a second reading of world war books, initially for the original wartime photos and later the complete stories!   I have a good collection of coffee table books on the same subject with real time photos, maps etc. The modern internet technology is a gateway to go back to the future and view many original footages of wartime.

In this first episode, I would like to share one of a rare book from my collections of World War Books!

First and foremost I wish to speak about a series of pocket books – “ U.S.A. A Portrait in Miniature of America and Americans in Wartime”, published by ”The U.S.A.Publishing Company” and printed in The U.S.A., during the First World War, in the time span of 1943 and 1944.

This collection of series contains 10 books , in a single bound, speaks a lot of America and Americans in Wartime. The cost of each poket series was Rs.3 Anna and sold by Higginbothams ( A stamp of ‘HIGGINBOTHAMS’ is found in a page). Some unknown history buff like me bought the series during the wartime, bounded it and after many years this book came to the pavement! I bought this for a small amount of rupees! ( you may guess!).

Let me share on various topics covered in each small booklet of about 65 pages. The front cover  looks great and the back cover has a message – ‘pass this on to a friend’.

In the one of the booklet opening page contains A Message from The President of The United States – Franklin D.Roosevelt and General D.Eisenhower, Commander in chief of Allied Forces in North Africa issued an Order of the Day, May 8,1943. The other interesting topics found are : Why Americans Fight, An Art Boom in Wartime, Music in America, Education in Overalls, Seeds for a Better World, Border without Boyonets ( U.S.A. and Canada), Brothers in Arms, Bomber Team –Story in photography, One World – as reported by a noted American, Wendell L.Willkie, on his trip by air around a world at war. He was a Republican presidential candidate in 1940, contested against President Roosevelt!

There are so many articles and stories of interest collected from various magazines of that time like: NY Times, Collier’s, Newsweek, Christian Science Monitor, Scientific American, Fortune, Saturday Evening Post, Science News Letters, Reader’s Digest, Coronet, Sea Power, This Week, Life, Science Digest, Survey Graphic, Common Ground, The Saturday Review of Literature and so many other magazines and journals. The Editors page appears in all the series. Most interesting pages for me is the Picture Essay covering about 25 plus photographs of the war in action, cities and towns during that period, lifestyles of people and many. About the invention of Penicillin, developed in 1929,an article says, it is an unparalleled weapon against death, historically one of the greatest accomplishments of scientific and medical research of 1940s. 

The photo gallery may inspire you to search for a copy, if at all available anywhere in the world, to own this antique rarest of the rare pocket books of American wartime history! History buffs may agree with me!

Before closing I wish to share that we all learn many lessons from the war. " A war hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" - Joseph Campbell. War teaches us the value of the human spirit. We must try to avoid war by peaceful talks with the countries where conflicts  induces war. Our country is an example to win over foreign occupation by nonviolent methods advocated by Mahatma Gandhi and followed by the entire leaders of freedom and the countrymen. Life is so precious and the greed on other country's land, wealth, minerals and natural resources should be avoided and sharing of love between the people of countries at war will surely bring only peace and not war. 

Next episode of Chander is a History Buff  will be published soon…..

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