Friday 30 December 2011

I am a good person . Why I am suffering ?

Hare Krishna. I started this blog to cherish the past. Few months before I had been to Vrindavan , where Lord Krishna spent His childhood days. This town is 10 KM away  from Mathura, the city of Lord Krishna's birthplace , near the Agra - Delhi highway. My son-in-law isnpire me to write on Krishna Consciousness  and on self realisation , if any , I experience. One common question I come accross with many colleagues , friends or relatives - "Why I am suffering. I am a good person ?" , whenever I talk on Krishna . For this question I too ponder many books outside Bhagavad Gita , as if  I ask anyone to read Bhagavad Gita straight away , they may or may not, but with the question unanswered !

I  read Bhagavad Gita  once or twice but could not completely understand the essence . When I attended a discourse on BG , I understood that even Arjuna asked for clarifications from  Sri Krishna after  He completed His   Gita upadesam to Arjuna.  So when we read again and again  then only we get the original meaning . I was guided by my daughter and son-in-law to read “The Bhagavad Gita As It Is “  of His Holiness Srila Prabhupada for the true translation of the original script. I am yet to finish!
In the mean time it so happen to buy a tiny book at Vrindavan ISKCON  Sri Krishna Balaram Temple, with the same title of the question for which I am also trying  to  find a convincing answer for  myself and others in a simple language. I wish to reproduce the same in the same form without adding any of my input , and I believe , all who read this will certainly accept the truth .
I AM A GOOD PERSON , WHY I AM SUFFERING ? ( Title of the book )
(  Practical tips to avoid suffering and misery )
Why I am suffering ?
First, let us understand what is suffering. There are three types of suffering:
1. Suffering caused by the body and mind.
2. Suffering   inflicted by other living entities.
3. Suffering caused by natural disasters.
Sometimes we suffer bodily, and sometimes we suffer mentally. We have suffered from the beginning of our birth, even in the womb of our mother. If we analyze our life, we will find that we are always suffering from either one or a combination of these three kind of miseries.
The animals are suffering, but they do not know how to remedy the suffering. But human beings are making scientific, philosophical, cultural, and religious advancement, progress in so many lines, because they want to be happy. This reasoning power is especially given to the human being.
The reason why we are suffering is because of ignorance. We send our children to school to save them from suffering. If our children do not receive an education, we fear that they will suffer in future. We understand that suffering is caused by ignorance, a lack of knowledge. We do not think, “ I am committing mistakes. That is why I am suffering.” We commit mistakes out of ignorance, which in turn causes more suffering.

How to accept / react to this suffering ?

Obviously we have to tolerate suffering. One of the characteristics of an intelligent person is tolerance. Everyone is tolerant to a degree, but if we properly understand that we are not the body, although we may suffer, we will not feel the suffering as acutely.

For example, if one thinks, “ This is my car,” and is very attached to it, he suffers more when it is wrecked than a person who thinks, “It can be repaired, or I can leave it.” Similarly, my body is the vehicle that I , the soul , reside in . I act with the body, so I must take care of it. We should not stop actions; rather, we should act properly to avoid suffering. That is natural. Just as with a car , you need it, so you take good care of it. We must take care of our body because we need it to fulfill our duties and desires in life to be happy.
As long as we are in the world, happiness and distress will come and go. So we should not be disturbed by them. Our real business is to try for knowledge of self-realization.  Self-realization means understanding the difference between the body and the soul. It is the goal of human life. Suffering and so-called happiness will come as long as we have material body, but we must come to the knowledge that “ I am not the body; I am a soul within the body. I have gotten this body because of my past activities.” That is knowledge that will help us become free from suffering. Proper action will help us avoid suffering in the future.

If the soul is by nature blissful why are we suffering ?
Whether we  are a minister or an ordinary man in the street, we must suffer. That’s  a fact. We are suffering on account of our body, and we may be doing something now that will cause us to suffer more in the future. We are suffering because in the past we did something that caused a reaction for that activity. For instance, if we touch something hot, we will get burned. We may not know  the object is hot, but even in our ignorance we must still suffer and be burnt. Similarly, we may not know why we have a particular disease , we do not understand the cause of the disease, but still we get the disease and suffer. If accidently we drink poison, even though we do not know it is poison, the effect will be there. So we must seek out the original cause why we are suffering by understanding our mistakes.

What about the material remedy along with this spiritual remedy ?

There are two types of remedies: treatment of symptoms and treatment of the original cause. Medical treatments in the form of surgery, medicines, etc. are part of the symptomatic treatment. They are important because we have to do the needful to relieve the symptoms of suffering. But real relief comes when we understand the cause of our suffering and stop those actions.

When a patient comes to a doctor, the doctor will give medicine, diet, and restrictions. If the patient follows the advice, then there is every chance he will be cured. The cause of disease can be reversed by proper activity. We should strive to correct whatever activity we did in ignorance that is causing our present suffering.

The law of physics is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Sometimes even if we trying to be good we may do something that will get a bad reaction. No one is perfect; everyone has defects. So long as we have a material body, we will commit some mistakes. “ To err is human.” But when we understand that we are not this body, then this is knowledge. “ I am the soul within the body. I am falsely identifying myself with this body. The body is the sourse of my suffering and entanglement.” When we understand the difference between the soul and the body, we become free from suffering.

How to get this remedy ?

While we are suffering we are always agitated, “ I am this body.” But if we realize that  “ I am not this body, I am something else, the soul within the body,” then we are immediately free from anxieties. There is no more fear, no more anxiety. Ultimately, everyone is afraid of death. But  if we understand fully that we are not this body,  then killed or not killed, we are not in anxiety.
What are the ways that I may not suffer in future ?
Sometimes people accuse: “ Why God has created this distress ? Why am I suffering?” We are suffering for our own fault. God created us to become happy. He’s is happy. We are part of God. We should be happy. But if we don’t accept the way of happiness by following His instructions, then that is our fault. So we must suffer. Every religion has a code of laws given by God. By following His instructions , we come immediately under His protection and are relieved of all suffering.

Does God Exist ?
God and the doctor we alike adore
But only when in danger, not before;
The danger o’er, both are like requited,
God is forgotten, and the Doctor slighted
[John Owen, Epigrams ]
Generally, when people are in danger they turn to God for help, just as a sick person might go to a doctor for relieving his pain. Certainly this is intelligent, to seek help when needed, but it would be better to seek God always, not only when in danger. In the same way, it is intelligent to live a healthy life as per the doctor’s instructions. Then we can become free from disease and suffering.

What is a healthy life ?

All scriptures teach us to live a healthy and clean life, and to help others. In general  there are four principles to a healthy life:
“ Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” We need to be clean internally and externally. External cleanliness means keeping our body and surroundings clean. We should bathe at least once in a day. It is not necessary to use soap every time we bathe. We should clean our teeth in the morning when we wake up, and at night before we go to sleep. Our fingernails should be kept clean so dirt does not go into our food. Our home, clothes, utensils, and food should be clean. In  food habits, nowadays junk food, smoking and alcohol are some of the major factors causing diseases, so  they should be avoided. These simple rules of cleanliness will help us be healthy and happy always.
Internal cleanliness means that we should keep our mind pure by avoiding lust, anger and greed. We should practice to become peaceful, forgiving and kind to others. Many diseases are caused mentally and later manifest physically. We should try to forgive those who have hurt us, and pray for their betterment. If we remain bitter about things that have happened to us, then we only harm ourselves. We can succeed in life and things can improve if we try our best with enthusiasm.

We should strive to speak words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial, and not agitating to others. A person who keeps his word of honour is called truthful. One should not distort the truth  for some personal interest.

We should not cause undue harm to any living entity, whether human or otherwise. If we understand that God is the father of all living entities, then we can see everyone as our brother or sister.
Austerity means to accept some inconvenience for a higher purpose. It might be inconvenient to eat healthy foods and maintain cleanliness, but for the higher purpose of good health we should be prepared to change our lifestyle for the better.

Courtesy : ISKCON Library Society ,Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Raman Reti, Vrindavan  U.P.281121 INDIA
Wish you all A Very Happy and Prosperous New year . Lord Krishna's blessing will be showered on you and your family for ever. Chant Hare Krishna and Be Happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hare Krishna uncle

    Very nice post on the important question of suffering and mankind. I liked it very much. I pray you continue to write more on Krishna and your realizations and experiences of life.

    Happy New Year 2012

