Friday 6 January 2012

Excursion memory !

Excursion  memory – when I was in class 3 ( Year 1957 )
Excursion – a joyful time in everyone’s life , particularly in their childhood days.  It is a picnic with a purpose of teaching  about nature’s beauty , natural wealth , nature’s power and the God’s gift to us. But there is no age limit to have the pleasure of picnic . We go for picnic with friends or family or with loved ones! The enjoyment has no limits and all will agree with me. When reading this blog it is sure that the reader’s mind would quickly travel to their own good times. We plan for such picnics well in advance and decide for the gadgets to be taken and food , dress , play things etc.
 So did I , when I was at the age of 6 , studying in class 3 in Senthamarai Vidyalayam , my  then primary school  in a dead end lane off  VSV ( Vadagur Selva Vinayagar)  Koil street , Mylapore. It is just behind our old house , parallel to Thiruvalluvar koil Street . A stone throw away distance at that time. Now we cannot throw stones as there are many high rise buildings has come in between!  The pity is my old school   is  no longer  exists in that street’s small  lane. Ok let me come to the excursion part .
My fond mother dressed me up well with new (1/2) pant and shirt tucked in with two  straps holding the  trousers , for the great first excursion !   Still I love that attire and  when we become old now it is necessary to hold our full pants with two straps, which is an English style of dress. We were told that they are going to take us to Red Hills ( Puzhal lake) for an excursion along with other kids in a bus. I could recall faint memories only. But wish to write because  that was the first time an outing with  other kids and I do not know the meaning of excursion at that time. English language was not till class 3 in my school. My elder  younger brother Gopi , my close cousins Thangam and Ravi  have studied in Senthamarai vidyalayam and to name a few others who continued study in P.S.Secondary School from 4th standard till 11th. : SB, Varadhu, Jayachandran,Ramadoss ( who later was my HR Manager in Greaves Cotton ). I may miss to recall names because of the timeline.
I do not know about others , whether all  could recall their class 3 memories ,  but I still have that good old memory of the excursion for two reasons ! First reason is , during the trip in the  bus  I was sitting on the lap of my class teacher ( so sorry that I could not recollect her name , may be Nalini ,  but the  faded picture of her lean structure , tall ,   fairer complexion  is still in my memory ) . Second one is the lasting memory ! We enjoyed the trip by walking on the bund of the lake . But when we sat for eating at noon , under a big tree ,  I was bitten by a big red ant in the leg  and soon there was a big swelling. I cried and my teacher took care of me till I return home. My mum got worried on seeing me crying with pain and immediately took me to Dr.Chdambaram , who was our family doctor at that time. An injection made me to cry more and later it was OK, I think.
The importance of writing this memory lane is , I have come across a group photo , of a  junior ( a friend of mine )  , who studied in the same primary school , shared through his mail . My headmistress , Ms.Malathy teacher , I could identify in that photo, another teacher ( name ? )  and  my   friend  also  standing along with his classmates. Though that photo is not of my batch , I had the opportunity to see my teachers  in the rare photo  after  54 years. My sincere thanks goes to my dear friend whom I met recently in an old boy’s association organized by  Balaji Sethuraman ,1982 batch mate of P.S.High School ( North ).

My school junior  friend standing in the top row .Malathy teacher ( HM) and another teacher ( from left )

I studied from class 1 to 3 in that school and  one  classmate  of that school , Jayachandran  studied  with me in P.S.Secondary School from 4th to 11th standard . His house was in the same lane where my school was . But after moving from Mylapore to Mogappair I missed all my old schoolmates, collegemates, neighbours and friends.
One thing I wish to share on the excursion of my son ,when he was in Montfort Preparatory School , in his class 4 or 5 . He had been to Bangalore and bought  small gifts to us. He gave a KumKum Chimizh to my widow mother and she was moved in tears on the innocent love of her grandson .              I cannot forget that moment.
 As I grow old I often look back how all these years have passed .  Many people says , look forward for opportunities and look back for lessons  ! Yes. It is true  that we learn more from past and correct whatever   mistakes  we did and look  for a bright future. This is a  lesson not only for us but also for our kids in the years they grow.
It is always good that whenever we find time we have to think Krishna .Though  thinking of our own past is just to have a temporary happiness ,  I pray Krishna to keep my memory strong on the past , to share , cherish and show a  practical life lessons learned by us  to our generation .  Without our past there is no present for us. Guiding them for a permanent happiness is by only one way . Tell everyone to Chant Hare Krishna and Be Happy  and let us  practice what we preach . 
7th Jan 2012
It's me in 1957 !

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