Thursday 31 May 2012

Why " blog " ?

Why  “blog” ?
“Blog” is a personal journal published on the world wide web ( WWW) . The word ‘ Blog’ is derived  from weblog  and later as we blog and at last only ‘blog’. It allows visitors to leave remarks and occasionally we get connected with the longtime missing friends and relatives.
I came to know about “ blog “  few years before only through my daughter . She shared her husband’s  blog site called “ Servant of the Servant “  ( )to me and encouraged me to start writing about my personal journey in all walks of life .   My son-in-law  writes  on Krishna Consciousness , his personal realization with  God , about the Founder of KC , Srila Prabhupada  , his Guru Maharaj in ISKCON , Sri Radhanath swamy Maharaj and more about Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatham. His blog site  is a combination of text, audio and video . He too expressed his interest on me writing more on self realization with KC.
I am a regular reader of his blog and admired his writing skill and the medium he has chosen to have a better one to one connectivity  through  variant blog topics. Known and unknown , near and distant friends reads  the blog and write comments , positive or negative according to their understanding. If anyone criticize , we have to  take it  in the right sense  and ignore it even  if it does  affect our feelings.
When viewing  someone’s blog , we have  options to view  other’s also if it is open to public So it is  healthy to share our personal beliefs  not affecting others sentiments. So I started thinking of opening a “ blog “ of my own and christained  it as  “ Chander’s Memory Lane “  which was created  to cherish the past.
As wished by my daughter , I started writing my own blog and the first one was “ Appa “ means “ dad or father “ . But with  hesitant I stopped publishing , because  the article is full of personal . I shared the same to my siblings and all are moved much ; the narration brought tears to them. They  reacted to me recalling many things I missed out  to share in my blog and their past  good times spent with our dad.
So through my first blog I have decided to share my personal journey in Gandhian path  , 40 years before , titled “ Gandhian Pilgrimage – 40 years before “ . A good response I have noticed and after that I have written many on many topics . In old Madras there is a place called MYLAPORE , where we had our own house and  we  moved later to West Mogappair. About old Mylapore times I have written few blogs for the interest of Mylapore lovers ! I wish  the readers of my blog shall communicate their original reaction by comments for my improvements.
I wish to share    my  happiness  , sorrows and desires , passing thoughts through  my blog .  I Try to express  myself, the thing in the environment , the images from my dreams . I feel the content may take the readers to their own past to cherish similar moments and to the younger generations , this will be a message to understand  how their elders lived and loved to live !
Recently my daughter from USA , gifted me a book , Rainer Maria Rilke’s  “ Letter’s to a Young Poet “ .  It is  handpicked by her exclusively for me  , knowing  my interest towards book and  value of life , the art of living and how to be happy and make others happy !  The book contains ( a translation from German to English ) a series of letters and remarkable responses to a young , would-be-poet on poetry and surviving as a sensitive observer in a hard world. Those letters , when you read again and again, still a fresh source of inspiration and insight of life and the workings of human heart. My son gave me an e-book reader in due consideration of my growing library with books ! Thanks to both of them .

The real motivators  for my writing are my brother from  Boston , daughter and son-in-law from Ames , an old neighbor  cum  my brother’s schoolmate  from Mumbai and my nephew , a young  Vice President of an American  company providing business solutions.  The real-time viewers shows many visitors to my blog site from Vietnam, California , Africa, America and  from many parts of  India, which also inspires me to write more and more … leave alone the trivial few  who criticize !

Through my blogs I try to raise the submerged sensations of that ample past of mine  , share the inner solitude  of the old time  in Mylapore , Madras ( now Chennai  ) and other topics of my own interest. I believe I have answered my own question – Why “ blog “ ?
Let us cherish the past and live presently  in happiness  and forever  by chanting “ Hare Krishna “.

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