Tuesday 10 July 2012

Family Tree - Tracing our Ancestors

Family Tree – Tracing our Ancestors !
First I wish to share that   how come I am deeply  interested  on the above subject. On a fine evening  , during a visit to my sister’s place in Annanagar , I happened to see a beautiful large book on Genealogy , “ The Veerasami Genealogy “ wonderfully made by Mr.V.Sambasivam,IRS ( Retd. ) , a close relative of my brother-in-law . He has done a wonderful project on tracing his ancestors , and not only forming a Family Tree, he met all the living descendents  ,  compiled  great details of their photos, profession, qualifications, address, contact phones and the inter-relationships  among the direct descendents of Sri.Veerasami . He published and released the book inviting each and every one , who lives and being a part ( branch ) of the family  tree in a get together with all fun and fare  to recall everybody’s  nostalgic moments of happy past , in August 2005.
Family tree – is a pedigree chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure Genealogical data can be represented in several formats.
The longest family tree in the world today is that of the Chinese Philosopher and Educator Confucius 
( 551-479 BC ) and he is the descendant of King Tang ( 1675-1646 BC ). The tree spans more than 80 generations. We have studied in schools n the genealogy of world  famous Kings and Queens , world leaders , and many others in the field of culture, music, art, politics , science etc.  and similar great personalities in our Indian history. We were bound to remember them for academics.
But we never think of our own  ancestors whose gene is still in our physical body, all our ancestors would have contributed to one’s DNA . Some culture confer reference to ancestors , both living and dead.
Some people seek providence from deceased  ancestors. We do perform annual rituals for our ancestors during death anniversaries and the prohit will ask for names up to three generations. Even if he asks beyond that we many may not remember the names. In this material world we were taught to remember the genealogy of others than our own.
In the great epics Mahabharatha and Ramayana ,  for me it may be very difficult to recall the names of many characters and their descendants.
Mr.Sambasivam’s genealogy research and publication  gave an inspiration to look back my ancestors and create a family tree . I was so curious since I saw the booklet and started tracing  back to three generations. I know that it s too late to  start this research, as myself is sixty years old and  I miss many relatives older than me.  However to get few names I have contacted Smt.Saraswathi mami ,Thangamani’s mother and daughter-in-law of my father’s  aunt , who is the only senior citizen in my father’s side lives in Mylapore.
So I wish to take a small step in tracing my ancestor from my great grand father , Sri Deivasigamani Naicker and Smt. Baggiammal.  I could able to download a free software to form my family tree and completed the tree with 100 names  limit as the  software  is a free one ,and so  it does not allow to add more of the fifth generation kid’s names.
It gives me self satisfaction in accurate story telling. Have ever people said to you , “ It’s in your genes “.They were talking about a physical characteristic , personality trait, or talent that you share with other members of your family. We know that gene play an important role in shaping how we look and act. Heredity is the passing of genes from one generations to the next.
I wish everyone should trace back their  ancestors and cherish the  past and wonder on many changes happened in our present life period  compared to three or four generations life style.
There is a living proof of my ancestor, great grand mother’s charity to temples for yearly festivals , recorded 96 years before ( 1915) in the  temple wall stones tablet.  We are blessed and still the respects are given to us, we being fourth generation family members. This is about the annual Thiruvathirai festival celebrated at Sri Velleeswarar temple in South Mada street at Mylapore. We were told by our father that they have donated a full row of stone steps for all four sides of Mylapore Kapaleeswarar temple tank  and I am still searching for the stone tablet !
As it is not possible to attach the Family Tree made  by me in this blog , I wish the readers can try of their own and share with their children on the good deeds and living style of their ancestors.
Excerpts from  the introduction  of “ The Veerasami Genealogy  “ of Sri.V.Sambasivam  dated  August 2005.

 “…Every bloodline has some good and some bad and every genealogy history is a physical and spiritual foundation.
Children can grow in their knowledge of history and gain a healthy respect for their communities and their family.
This would help families nuture the existing relationships and develop new bonds. “

In this booklet  you can find ...8 generations...276 marriages...806 individuals,,,earliest date of birth --- 1819

The Family tree will play a pivotal role in bringing to light, the genius of Ancestors.

It is nice to mention that my sister's ( Smt.Vasanthamala Chandrasekharan's ) complete family were a part of the branches of the great Family ( Banyan ) Tree.

History or Her-story can be traced back from DNA  ( Deoxyribonucleic Acid ) studies. On the lighter  side , to close this blog , an information to share : To close 98% of DNA in our genes are exactly the same as  Chimpanzees's !!!

M.D.Chander ( myself )
Son of Sri.M.Devarajan and Smt.Janaki Devi
Grand son of Sri.Murugesa Naicker and  Smt.Saradhambal
Great grand son of Sri.Deivasigamani Naicker and Smt.Baggiammal
( sorry ! I could not list my family and my sibling’s family  here as they have a place in my Family Tree already).

My thanks to Sri.V.Sambasivam  uncle , his wife Smt.Jayalakshmi akka and the Architect of their project , Dr.Jaipal ( a close relative of my mother ) for the  great efforts on this subject and  indirectly inspired me to start my own project.  My high regards to Sri.Sambasivam uncle for his generous help in pursuing my daughter’s higher studies in abroad. God Bless his family.
We pray Lord Krishna  for giving  this material life through generations and pray Him to guide in spiritual life towards Krishna Consciousness. Chant Hare Krishna and Be Happy.


  1. Having read this article with pride I would say I have seen your father's mother and kokilam boyma thirumalai were your grandfather's sisters and brother.Apart from doppa youruncle I know Mani your father's another brother.I used to hear that one Appadurai naicker is also related to your family who had some misgivings with your family.just recollecting.

  2. Having read this article with pride I would say I have seen your father's mother and kokilam boyma thirumalai were your grandfather's sisters and brother.Apart from doppa youruncle I know Mani your father's another brother.I used to hear that one Appadurai naicker is also related to your family who had some misgivings with your family.just recollecting.
