Sunday 3 February 2013

Back To School - A Self Realization

Back To School – A Self Realization
Each and every one who comes out of school and either continue higher education or in business or profession  , young or old  , cannot forget their school life. The life at school was  the only best  moment in our life to recall and cherish at any time, because we were so innocent , true to our friends , parents and  teachers,  respect elders ,  punctual to school and studies , competitive in studies , religious , God fearing , and what not ?
Though I wrote already about our reunion  in my last blog ,  I feel that it is necessary to share personal experience here.
All the good qualities were taught by our parents and teachers and we follow as we do not know  any wrong means and ways by that age.  When we grow we learn by experience to differentiate between good and bad  and by karma or by influence of the good or bad company  we choose , we change ourselves . The taste of bad habits some times  feels good materially for us and stays  in our mind  for a lasting period. The selection of good habits as directed by parents and elders seems not much important and we try to enjoy life , as the life after school looks something new and pleasurable.  If we are lucky and blessed by God, the path  chosen by us  may be a one way ticket to reach the abode of God after  fulfilling  all earthly obligations to the kith and kin , duties to the society either directly or indirectly , and when we become old enough to think God always. It is true to many and few takes the path of spiritual in their young age. I am no exception ,  and I am not a very good person  in the past before  I started to take the path of spiritualism at very late in my life. I thought that daily prayers, going to temples , attending religious festivals  at home and outside with full enthusiasm  are the only ways  and never spent  full devotion in spiritual activities. But better  late than never , is well known to me and by  the influence of my closer ones in life , speaking to them on the right path ,  looking at their conviction in Godliness , I have changed  to some extent   after attaining 55 and still I feel  that my steps are at infant stage. No regrets and that cannot solve issues and give solutions.  So now I feel happier than the past and wish to spend the life as simple as possible , though I am influenced by others to spend life in a different way , the way  they think  what is life. Of course the obligations were fulfilled by me and my wife  to my children and now I am a retired person , taking care of our health and be active to keep fit to pray God and do service to the society.
Republic Day 2013 @ my school
My school - P.S.High School ( North ) , Mylapore, Madras

 Now , coming back to “ Back To School “. Some readers  of this blog may  think, why this  confession of mine written as an interlude.  There is reason behind that. In my school re-union after 45 years , on 26th January 2013, I believe, there were more new faces , though old classmates , their faces  looks different due to aging, every one introduced themselves again after a  many years ,and talked about present life , past and family.  One of my classmate started with “ I am not a good person; I had all the bad habits  after leaving school , even before and after  my marriage. My wife is everything for me and because of her I have changed my attitude , habits , behavior  and now serving for the needy  in an old age home. “ His talk  gave me a deep impact and consciously started thinking am I a good person ? So the confession above relates to me going back to school  and listening to my friend’s talk. I respect  that friend with high regards  for a very frank talk as many of us spoke on our achievements in profession , personal  and  educational degrees and diplomas aquired. Though I talked about my interest in Gandhism and my little steps in Krishna Consciousness , I am in no way nearer  to him.

Present and past Teachers  

In our class room ( 10 th std. B section )
 One person talked about his school days in scouting movement and how that had showed him the right path. I agree to that as I was also in Scouting and my daughter was  in Girl Guides and Rajya Puraskar badge holder.

It is true that school life shapes everyone  to be a better citizen when they grew up. But the way we look into,  lifestyle we opt later only changes our  life.

All ended up with an agenda , though we did not have any before we met . Every one supported  the cause of serving the aged at old age home. Secondly , on how to increase the diminishing strength of our old school . When we studied there were 2000 students and now it is 300. The ways and means we need to explore and try to give training to teachers and students as we are all experienced much and we all have a common conviction that “ WE CAN DO ‘ .

Our meeting will continue  and we will go ahead towards our plan. Many other  juniors  doing  great job  to the school  and we also would like to serve to the best of us for our school.

Back to school is a long lasting memory for me and for all others who joined  on that day .

 Long live our friendship and our school .

1 comment:

  1. Chander Anna. Very nice article. A sort of introspection . Cheers
