Sunday 3 February 2013

Mahatma Gandhiji’s 65th death anniversary and Martyr’s Day

Mahatma Gandhiji’s 65th death anniversary  and Martyr’s Day
Every year this day , 30th January will be observed as Martyr’s Day throughout India , to pay respect for the freedom fighters who lost their lives and also to pay homage to Mahatma who left us on this day .
A two minutes silence will be observed at 11 AM  , throughout India .To mark  our respect  for the above cause , in my organization , a German company , I have  sincerely  requested the management for the observance of silence and  it happened  on this day and also for the last three years . My thanks to the management for doing so and an awareness is created  among us to think of the great soul who led the entire India in the front to get the freedom from the  British , along with other great leaders, who stood with him and  gave unconditional support except few.
My association with Gandhi Peace Foundation , run by Dr.S.Kulandhaisamy and other noble  persons, gives me a chance to be a part of them on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi and Martr’s day. I miss the opportunity to serve along with him due to my pre-occupation committed to my employer. I hope I will spend more time after 6 months.
GPF conducted   a three day event   this year starting with a workshop for school students on “ Exploring New Avenues for Peaceful Conflict Resolution of youth problems “ on 28th Jan. 2013 ;  Students of Sai Vidyalaya staged a drama on “ Micro Actions for Peace ‘ at K.B.J.Gurukula,Madras. Sri Ramesh Sharma of GPF , New Delhi presided the function.
On 29th Jan . 2013 , a Workshop on “ The Role of Youth in promoting Dignity of Manual Labour”  and “Gandhian Values for Preparatory Management “ .
Mahatma Gandhiji's mortal remains lies inside the Thulasi Madam in front of the building.

30th January 2013 – Martyr’s Day  inaugurated by Dr.Sarojini Varadappan, President, Women Indian Association.
 All religions Prayer were presented by seven religions representatives and students of various schools and coordinated by Dr.Shenbagavalli, Joint Sec. GPF at 10.45 AM at Srinivasa Gndhi  Nilayam, Alwarpet , where GPF functions.


Hindu Prayer : Students  from K.B.J. Gurukulam Hr.Sec.School , Chennai .
Islam Prayer : Moulavi B.M.K.Rahman, Mosue at Dooming Kuppam, Chennai.
Christian Prayer : Students from Rosary Mat. Hr. Sec. School.
Sikh Prayer : Sri Pratipal Singh, Head Priest , Gurunanak Sat Sangh Sabha, Chennai.
Jain Prayer ; Students from S.J.N.S.Primary & nursery School, Chennai.
Buddhist Prayer : Sri E.Anban , Buddha’s Light International  Association, Salaiyur,Chennai.
Zorastrian Prayer : Sri Yezdi Ghadiali , Madras Parsi Zarthosti Anjuman , Chennai.
Prayer of Silence : for a minute
Shanthi Nilava Vendum : Dr.Kalakkadu R.Seethalakshmi.
Vote of thanks by Mrs.Padmaja Vasudev.
The entire program was well coordinated and presented by the NSS volunteers of Stella Maris College , Chennai.
The coordinators are :
Miss Ezhil Vadhani , Miss Annie Swetha , Miss Annusha , Miss Ajeesha and Miss Shantini.
I could interact with the young NSS volunteers during their presentation on the screen , a workshop on “ Empowering our Youth in conflict resolution methods “ .  They have compiled many questions on conflict and interacted with students of school and college on the different conflicts faced by thm in day to day , whether personal or social and  how we look into that for a solution . They explained to the children in the language they understand.
I  missed the first two days events and could not cover the  afternoon session  on 30th January , but their agenda  as below went well it seems.
Worksho on “ Dignity of Labour ‘ coordinated by Miss Ashwati .
Miss Annie Swetha presented a report of “ Peace Education Project – 2012 “
Mrs.Nirmala , Director NSS , Stella Maris College facilitated their NSS volunteers and Mrs.Menaka Parthasarathy , Member GPF awarded the certificates .
Mr.Ramesh Sharma’s  bhajans in Hindi was amazing and we all joined in chorus  by clapping in sync.
My great salute to Dr.S.Kulandhaisami and Dr.Shenbagavalli  for their full time involvement in spreading the message of Mahatma to all  and to promote a culture of Peace that would benefit  the youth , the students , industrial workers and the public. My best wishes to the NSS volunteers for their service in spreading Gandhian values to students.
 I would have missed many eminent speakers names who have contributed much on the first two days workshop and  I may be excused.
Jai Hind.


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