Sunday 3 September 2017

A Memorable and Different kind of Thanksgiving party !

A memorable and different kind of Thanksgiving party for me !
Day before yesterday, on 2nd September 2017, two kids from my neighborhood approached me to accept myself as a ‘Chief Guest’ for an informal celebration in one of the kid’s roof top penthouse and gave me an invitation, wonderfully handmade! I gave my acceptance to them as I know them very well and they used to visit our home for all festivals and their birthdays with sweets. My guess was that, it’s a child’s play and with not much expectation, I went to the venue on yesterday evening, as per schedule,with some small gifts hidden in my pockets!
But to my surprise, the terrace was beautifully decorated with balloons and a background screen with a sheet of paper pinned as “Annual Day” was there for the kids to perform in front. It’s time to tell the class they study with their names, because I was astonished to see their event management, they handled so nicely and perfectly without a flaw in the schedule given to me.
Keerthika – class 5, Sahasra – class 5, Harshit – class 3, Sahid – class 4, Teju – LKG and Dennison _ class UKG. Now you can guess their age!
Now I will move the celebration. They received me at the terrace with a warm welcome with a tray of toffees. I never knew that a big surprise is waiting for me! Suddenly Harshit and Sahid put a shawl  around my shoulder and presented the CG(Chief Guest), that’s me, with a gift and asked me to open it. I found a blue color T-shirt of my size. I was overwhelmed by their gesture. After I took the chief guest seat, a tray full of sweets and snacks for all of us came. We shared and enjoyed just before the start of the entertainment program they planned, which I found in the hands of Keerthika, which runs to six or seven pages containing more than 14 events.

The entertainment started with a dance of Sahasra and Keerthika. The dances were self choreographed it seems! The whole package they performed includes Bharatanatyam, Western dance, Group dance, Helen Keller Story reading, Grammar and GK quiz for the CG, Harshit’s dance and Karate style actions, Harshit and Sahid’s WWF fight actions, Teju baby’s and Dennison’s solo performances of storytelling and songs and a final group dance with me on their compulsion.
The one and a half hour I spent with the kids is an everlasting memory for me, to carry and cherish forever. The kids dressed so nicely for their performances. We admire and felt so happy on their love and affection on us.


Don't Worry!

Be Happy
I am totally out of writing and posting in my blog for quite a long time, more than two years, due to my active posting in Facebook, but that too was closed since last year end, to spend more time in social and spiritual activities. But these kids’ matured and planned event , well managed more than an adult , made me to post the special celebration.
The last thing I asked them was, what for this ‘Annual day’ ? Their answer brought tears in my eyes, truly. They all together said,” Uncle, this is specially planned as a thanksgiving celebration to you and aunty, for all that you gave for our birthdays and many occasional gifts of love and affection”. I gave away small gifts, hidden in my pocket, to all of them and they were so happy.
With a heavy heart I took leave from them. They neatly packed the shawl and my favorite color T-shirt and came along with me to drop me at home!
Yes. Indeed this wonderful moment, I felt to share in my personal blogpost. I pray Lord Krishna to shower His blessings on the kids for their bright future in studies and  in all walks of life , as they grow.

Without a photo gallery my post will not be completed. This is for me to cherish as I grow!!!

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