Saturday 10 July 2021

Chander is a History Buff Episode 7


Chander is a History Buff Episode 7


Greeting to my readers.


I am posting my new episode 7 (a book of 96 years old, from my bookshelf) before episode 6, as the book I am reviewing in episode 6 needs more exploration, to share with the readers, for more interesting facts and photos!


This historical episode covers a great author, a Zorastrian Barrister-At-Law, an Advocate in High Court, Bombay, KAIKOBAD BHICAJI DASTUR,(MEHERJIRANA), and his First Edition Book “ LOST KINGDOM FOUND or THE REVELATIONS, published by himself in 1925 @ Rs.3, printed by G.M.Pandya, at The Maneck Prionting Press, Benham Hall Lane, Girgam, Bombay.


The subject is – Future Life. From his own personal experiences, in the preface, the author shares his knowledge of what happens on and after death and conveys information about our next life and about the homes of the departed, and it is intend to bring next worlds nearer to us!


I am so keen to know more about his realisations on this subject by reading the full book of 133 pages, beautifully bound in red colour. It contains XV chapters with various headings. The title of the chapters are: The Title, The Dead are Alive, The Other Worlds, Love, Divine Justice, The Dark Spot, The Awakening, Battling With Nature, Set Backs, My Visits, The Most Surprising Revelation, Heaven, The Dark World, Common Features, Miscellaneous Matters and an Appendix.


I would like to share the author’s few interesting lines from his original text, which attracted me to go ahead from chapter I till the end. 


“Know this for certain, that the body only is mortal, but the man is immortal.”

Unquote: Many books and articles use this as a standard example of logic:

  • All men are mortal.
  • Socrates is a man.
  • Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

The question is: where did this example come from? Some people think this example comes from Aristotle, but Aristotle did not say anything like this example.



“… there is no death, that our departed dear ones are alive, and that they are residing in one or others of several worlds which are round about us.”

“Though death is the greatest enemy of mankind, it is only an imaginary enemy, because in reality it does not exist.”

“We begin our next life according to the progress made by us and according to the good or evil which we may have done while living in this world.”

“Love is the currency of God….By love I mean something more than what is generally supposed. It means a true desire to see all happy, and more happy than ourselves….Heaven is not an imaginary dreamland but a solid region like the earth, and inhibited by living intelligencies like ourselves…Love all, love well and love true. Think of others and then only God will think of you.”

“It is everywhere the Kingdom of God. Hell is a myth…God pardons nobody, because He condemns none.”

In the chapter “The Most Surprising Revelation”, the author says,”…Dreams are a mixture of truth and untruth, and on many occasions we are able to remember only the untrue portion of our dreams and entirely forget the true knowledge intended to be conveyed to us.”

The author’s daily prayers are:- “Oh, Lord! Make me a better man and give me light to make mankind happy.”


I find it difficult to give the complete essence of the author’s revelations here, and once the reader reads the full book, he or she can realise his or her own revelations on this subject. But I found from the internet that there is no copy available in any Indian libraries and only 5 books available in UK and USA libraries, with no reviews as on date, according to the data gathered from! So, mine is the first review after 96 years of publication, I believe!!!

I will come back with my episode 6 …..

Internet data:

Lost kingdom found; or, the Revelations,


Kaikobad Bhikaji Dastur.


[Bombay] 1925.


Description:   Print book : English : 1st edView all editions and formats


(not yet rated) and not reviewed yet. 


·         Future life.


LibraryHeld formatsDistance1.

The British Library, St. Pancras

London, NW1 2DB United Kingdom

Description: Book Book8200 km

Syracuse University

Syracuse, NY 13244 United States

Description: Book Book13300 km

New York Public Library System

New York, NY 10018 United States

Description: Book Book13400 km


Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRC); University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas Libraries

Austin, TX 78713 United States

Description: Book Book15200 km

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