Thursday 16 June 2022

41 minutes Miracle at Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru


41 minutes Miracle at Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru!

Does miracle happen to all?

Do miracles happen every day?

How do miracles happen in life?

These are the common questions comes to our mind, when someone talks about a miracle happened or experienced in his or her life.

Miracle is an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs. Such an effect or event manifesting is considered as a work of God.

I wish to share a miracle, act of God, happened to me at Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru, on the first Sunday of June 2022!

I had been to Bengaluru to attend the Shataabdhi function of a close friend’s parents. His father’s centenary birthday celebration was well organised in a hall at Nava Mantralaya Complex. As I was early to the function, I could visit the adjacent temples, Sri Raghavendra Temple and Sri Balaji Mandir and two opposite temples, Shree Dodda Ganapathi Temple and Sri Big Bull Temple.

I always carry a small shoulder bag and inside I kept my wallet with cash, credit and debit cards, Aadhar Card and small Lord Krishna picture cards. My backpack was kept in the hall safely.

The function went off well, attended by close relatives and well-wishers of my good friend. I met few of my old colleagues and one after 30 years! I got the blessings from my friend’s parents on the stage. During the lunch time my friend’s elder brother gave a silver coin of Sri Lakshmi Narasimha in a plastic casket to all the guests and I also got one and kept in the same shoulder bag.

My testing time started at 2.19 pm and I am not aware of it! I bid farewell to my friend, the host, after a very special lunch and joined with another friend and his wife to proceed to their hotel for refreshing before proceeding to KSR Railway station for return journey to Chennai, scheduled at 4.15 pm. He called an auto-rickshaw and both of them boarded first and I took the corner seat and to sit comfortably, I removed my backpack and kept on my lap. We went the hotel, refreshed and when we were about to leave, I checked my backpack and looking for my shoulder bag. I couldn’t find my shoulder bag either inside my backpack or separately! I was perturbed at that moment because of  the missing shoulder bag. My friend suggested to rush up immediately to the function hall, to check whether anyone found and kept it safely. So I joined with him and we took another auto-rickshaw on return basis and rushed to the hall.

 On reaching the hall main gate, we told the driver to park a little front and we will return soon. Both of us went inside and checked separately at all the places and with friends but in vain. My friend worried a lot on this unfortunate incident. Then I decided to go back as we have to catch the train by 4.15 pm and told my friend that train ticket is in mobile and we can move. We came out and reached the auto-rickshaw, stationed just ten feet away in the same Bull Temple Road.

The Miracle happened to me at that moment. As I was about to board the vehicle, I found my shoulder bag was caught under the left rear wheel of the same auto parked and the driver was sitting inside and he too not noticed it while parking. It was a shocking relief for me and my friend too. We can’t believe our eyes. Then I came to realise that my shoulder-bag fell on the road, when I boarded the first auto to move to hotel room. For the next 41 minutes it was lying in the same place, on the road, unnoticed by none of the passersby till 3.00 pm, including us, when we came out of the same auto and rushed up to the hall to search.. Hundreds of vehicles, bikes, cars, autos and few walkers would have crossed the same road where my bag lies and really it is a miracle for us.

Before we asked the driver to move the auto to pick the bag, my friend took a photo to share the miracle to the host and to relieve his worry. I took the bag and checked for the contents and everything was intact. I believe that the miracle is , my bag was protected by Lord Narasimha, in the form of a silver dollar, inside my bag, gifted by the host.  The impact of the auto wheel was also taken by the Lord, as the plastic casket containing the Lord Narasimha’s silver dollar, which cracked a bit but the dollar is intact. This is first of a kind experience happened in a new place where I had never been before.

This MIRACLE happened only because of the faith we have on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the form of Lord Narasimha. Added to this, I wish to share that the  Shataabdhi function of the couple was performed in front of Lord Narasimha deity picture and the entire family are devotees of Lord Narasimha and their blessings means a lot for us.

This ordeal of 41 minutes is a lesson for me to increase my devotional service to the Supreme Lord. Yes, Miracles can happen to all of us at any time by the mercy of the Lord and we can see God’s presence in this type of act by Him.

Chant Hare Krishna and Be Happy. Sri Narasimha Dev ki Jai.                                                   

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