Tuesday 24 September 2024

'Time" cries ...they are killing me softly!!!


‘TIME’ cries …”They are killing me softly”!!!

“Killing time is not an easy job”. If you are killing time, it’s not murder. It’s suicide!

Why do people kill time?

Before starting my episode, I tested myself, whether am I killing time. To the best of my knowledge and from the past experience, I feel that I am managing time, to the extent possible, wisely and so I do share the slogan “Waste Time Wisely” among students.

In my observation I have noticed that many students don’t use time as it needs to be. Apart from attending school or college and spending time for reading or writing of subjects related to curriculum, they simply comes out to spend time as they please, for entertainment, gossip, social media and other ways. When we ask them for the reason, their reply was “De-stress and or free from boredom”. I don’t see even few students read books on subjects of their interest or self-improvement books or for updating their skills and knowledge.

According to me books are the best friends to keep us engaged, to spend time wisely and usefully.  Every student should develop reading habit to improve themselves in all walks of life. All educational institutions have their own library and students are privileged to pick and read books. But very few only visits library often for reading and taking books to home. 

It has been speculated by publishers, book critics and teachers, that because of the gradual decline in students' interest, reading is now dead. Researchers say that the social media takes the students time and controls them rather they control the social media. Whatever may be the reason, there are number of ways to come out of that entanglements.

 I personally think that reading is not dead. I may be optimistic but I think people are more curious in learning new things and there seems to be a rise in reading non-fiction genre and more of self-help books. Students should learn for elders on how to improve their reading habits than killing time.

 If you’re one of countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out.

 Let us look into the few best benefits of reading shared by experts:

 Exercise our brain. If we don’t our cognitive abilities may decline.

Gain valuable knowledge.

Reduce stress.

Improve our focus, memory and communication skills.

Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills.

Writings of other authors will invariably improve our writings.

Books improves creativity.

Reading great speeches of great leaders improves our speaking ability.

…..many more benefits you can experience once you start reading.


What happens if you kill time?

When you kill time, you are killing your opportunities to do more and be more.

Why you need to stop killing time?

We kill time by procrastinating and doing unproductive activities to ignore what is really at hand. Killing time may work for a few minutes, but it adds up when things need to get done.

Want to stop killing time?

Successful people make the most of each hour of every day, using every moment to their advantage. Learn to get a handle on what is distracting you from accomplishing your tasks each day. Effective time management is a habit that can be learned. It starts with your decision to invest your time into what is important.

“Time is your most precious resource; make every minute count.”

Should we kill ‘Time’? Let’s stop ‘Time’s cry!!!


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